Security and payment methods
Services offered
Upon your inquiry, you will receive a quote for the flight in a PDF or DOC (MS Word) format to your email. In the quote, you will find
all the data necessary to effect a payment. Once the payment is settled, we will be sending to your email the confirmation
of the successful transaction. You will find the Terms and Conditions for the provision of our services
in a PDF document found on this web site.
Payment methods
All business flights are paid by wire transfer to our bank account.
The bank account information:
Account number: 2402006-1100592701
IBAN: HR1524020061100592701
Erste & Steiermärkische Bank d.d.
Should the wire transfer not be possible before take off for any technical reasons, Jung Sky can, but is not obligated, to accept
payment by credit card. Also, Jung Sky can, but is not obligated, to accept a credit card to block the funds as a guarantee
that a wire transfer will be made as soon as possible. In this case, after we receive a confirmation that the payment has been made, the funds will be unblocked.
Whenever a credit card will be used as a method of payment, the final price of the flight will be increased for the credit card commission charges.
Statement of complaints
Charterer rights in case of a flight cancelation
The Carrier is not liable for any flight cancelation damages caused by extraordinary circumstances which couldn't have been
foreseen or avoided after the Carrier provided all reasonable actions. I which case, the Carrier will offer another flight,
according to the Charterers needs or reimburse the funds received while deducting the necessary expenses i.e. all fees for
services rendered thus far.
The Charterer agrees that the Carrier is entitled to, instead of the contracted aircraft, preform the flight with an aircraft of another
type, while providing the same level of service. In case of operational and/or technical issues, the Carrier is entitled to offer the
Charterer another aircraft or another carrier who will perform the contracted flight instead of The Carrier.
Charterer rights when a flight is delayed
The Carrier is obligated to perform the flight within the contracted time frame. The Carrier can change the flight time when there are
reasons not caused by the Carrier or depending on the Carrier, but is obligated to inform the passenger about any change in a timely
fashion and without delay, while offering him another flight date, if such a thing is possible regarding the purpose of the trip.
Passenger care in case of a delay
In case of a longer delay, the Carrier will provide for the Charterer with at least:
- Snacks, meals or refreshments, free of charge, in reasonable relation to the waiting time,
- Hotel accommodation, if required,
- Two telephone calls or other electronic messages.
Landing to an alternative destination
The Carrier is not liable for additional expenses which may occur due to extraordinary circumstances
which could have not been foreseen or avoided after the Carrier provided all reasonable actions.
Statement of personal information gathering, protection and their use
Jung Sky Ltd. is obligated to protect all customer’s personal information, in accordance with gathering only the necessary data,
needed to fulfill their commitments. Jung Sky will not, without a previous approval, use any of the information about the passengers for marketing
purposes. All the information are protected and are only available to employees who require the given information to perform their work.
All Jung Sky employees are accountable for respecting the privacy protection principles.
Security of purchase
The input of personal information as well as the information of the credit card number is protected by a SSL protocol with a 128-bit
encryption secured by Wspay system for online credit card authorization. The authorization and charge of credit cards is made through
the PBZ card while using the Wspay system for credit card authorization and charging. The web pages where the credit card information
is being input do not memorize the information nor are the credit card numbers stored into databases.